Friday, February 15, 2008

reaching for the sky

Reaching for the sky . Sky is the limit for my aims and dreams .To tell the truth we bunked the college half a day . IT was around 2 pm after noon and we were roaming in our bikes to one of my friends house .
It was very hot and so i was covering the suns hot rays from my face ha ha . But it rained after about one hour it was great the climate became cool again but came back home wet .


Anonymous said...

cool pic

Sinopi said...

i can't understand... why you take picture like that...
huhuhuuu i don't have a sense of art... maybe...

HonEy BunnY said...

he he he novee .......... !!! !!
I was just giving shade to my face from sun and the photo was like this ha ha .....

levian said...

you're covering the beautiful clouds !! haha joking .. for me, it is quite a cool photograph. i love the sky !! :D